Preškočiť k obsahu


Veci, ktoré tento rok pútali pozornosť.

Najviac adoptovaná funkcia

Ocenenie pre funkciu s najväčším medziročným nárastom v oblasti ”použil som”.
With a +26.4% progression in 2022, top-level await has quickly become an integral part of JavaScript.

Najviac adoptovaná technológia

Ocenenie pre technológiu s najväčším medziročným nárastom v oblasti ”použil som znova”.
Vite is barely two years old, but with a +18.8% progression over the last year it's already gaining ground.


2. Vitest: +11.1%
3. pnpm: +8.4%

Najväčšia spokojnosť

Ocenenie pre technológiu s najvyšším percentom spokojných používateľov.
Vite takes the top spot with a sky-high 98% retention ratio!


2. Vitest: 97%

Najväčší záujem

Ocenenie pre technológiu, o ktorú majú vývojári najvyšší záujem naučit sa ju po tom, ako sa o nej dozvedia.
With a 81% interest ratio, Vite once again wins the gold!


2. Turbopack: 80%
3. Turborepo: 77%

Najviac vlastných odpovedí

Ocenenie pre položku, kde užívatelia najviac písali vlastné odpovede
Many questions also accepted write-in answers, and with 402 mentions Astro was the most popular item overall.


Most Commented Feature

Awarded to the feature which received the most comments.
With 102 comments, no other feature even came close to generating as much feedback as Private Fields.


2. Proxy: 71

Most Commented Library

Awarded to the library which received the most comments.
With 66 comments, React showed that it's still the most-discussed library around.


2. Angular: 47
3. Storybook: 42

Odporúčané zdroje

Road to React
Robin Wieruch

Road to React

The Road to React is used by universities, bootcamps and self-taught developers to learn about React.js. With its annual editions since 2017, it is the most read React book with 75.000+ readers. While each chapter teaches a new fundamental lesson, students learn how to create a React project from the zero to production.
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