Frameworks focused on rendering and serving your application
Odkaz na sekciuRatios Over Time
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Retention, interest, usage, and awareness ratio over time.
Next.js | |
Nuxt | |
Gatsby | |
Remix | |
Astro | |
Eleventy | |
SvelteKit | |
Docusaurus |
Technologies with less than 10% awareness not included. Each ratio is defined as follows:
- Retention: would use again / (would use again + would not use again)
- Interest: want to learn / (want to learn + not interested)
- Usage: (would use again + would not use again) / total
- Awareness: (total - never heard) / total
Odkaz na sekciuSkúsenosti v priebehu času
Prehľad názorov o technológiach v priebehu času.
Použil by som znova | |
Nepoužil by som | |
Zaujíma ma | |
Nezaujíma ma | |
Nepoznám |
Technológie s jednym rokom údajov nie sú uvedené.
Môžete kliknuť na názov akejkoľvek technológie pre získanie detailov navyše a presnejší náhľad na súvisiace údaje.
Odkaz na sekciuPozitívny/Nehatívny rozdiel
Tento graf rozdeľuje pozitívne (“chcem sa naučiť”, “použil by som znova”) versus
negatívne (“nemám záujem”, “nepoužil by som znova”) skúsenosti
na oboch stranách stredovej osi.
Hrúbka ukazoveteľa reprezentuje počet respondentov, ktorí o technológií počuli.
Odkaz na sekciuIné nástroje
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We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year”
My 2022 Pick: Moriel Schottlender
Moriel is an inspiring developer who gives passionate, interesting talks about internationalization and accessibility, and some of the things she's built with Vue are SO cool, everyone should check them out!
We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year”
Cassidy Williams
CTO at Contenda, Memer and Dreamer
Odkaz na sekciurendering_frameworks.rendering_frameworks_happiness
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Odkaz na sekciuOdporúčané zdroje
Build a Fullstack App from Scratch (feat Next.js)
You’ll build a music app with features like playlists, audio player, shuffle, and more! Use a modern stack of tools: React, Next.js, Typescript, and Postgres.
The Hard Parts of Servers & Node.js
In this course you’ll go under the hood of Node.js in two contrasting ways - by understanding how to develop servers from intuitive first-principles (HTTP, TCP/IP, Ports, Loopback, SSH) and by understanding the JavaScript features that make up Node.
Thanks to our partners for supporting us! Learn more.