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Rendering Frameworks

Frameworks focused on rendering and serving your application

Ratios ao longo do tempo

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Retención, interese, uso e ratio de presenza ao longo do tempo.

Non se inclúen tecnoloxías con menos dun 10% de presenza. Cada relación defínese como:

  • Retención: volveríao usar / (volveríao usar + non o volvería usar)
  • Interese: quero aprendela / (quero aprendela + non me interesa)
  • Uso: (volveríao usar + non o volvería usar) / total
  • Presenza: (total - nunca oín falar deso) / total

Experiencia no tempo

Opinións sobre tecnoloxías enquisadas no tempo.
Volveríao usar
Non o usaría
Non estou interesado
Nunca oín sobre iso

Non se mostran as tecnoloxías con só un ano de información.
Podes premer no nome de calquera tecnoloxía para obter detalles adicionais e unha vista máis detallada dos datos.

Separación Positiva/Negativa

Esta gráfica separa experiencias positivas («quero aprender», «volveríao usar») das negativas («non me interesan», «non as volvería usar») a ambos lados do eixo central. O groso da barra representa o número de enquisados que coñecen a tecnoloxía.

Outras ferramentas

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We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year”

My 2022 Pick: Moriel Schottlender

Moriel is an inspiring developer who gives passionate, interesting talks about internationalization and accessibility, and some of the things she's built with Vue are SO cool, everyone should check them out!

We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year”

Cassidy Williams

CTO at Contenda, Memer and Dreamer


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Recursos recomendados

Build a Fullstack App from Scratch (feat Next.js)
Scott Moss

Build a Fullstack App from Scratch (feat Next.js)

You’ll build a music app with features like playlists, audio player, shuffle, and more! Use a modern stack of tools: React, Next.js, Typescript, and Postgres.
The Hard Parts of Servers & Node.js
Will Sentance

The Hard Parts of Servers & Node.js

In this course you’ll go under the hood of Node.js in two contrasting ways - by understanding how to develop servers from intuitive first-principles (HTTP, TCP/IP, Ports, Loopback, SSH) and by understanding the JavaScript features that make up Node.
Grazas aos nosos colaboradores por darnos o seu apoio! Saber máis.