JavaScript pour application mobiles et desktop
Link to sectionRatios Over Time
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Retention, interest, usage, and awareness ratio over time.
Electron | |
React Native | |
Native Apps | |
Cordova | |
Ionic | |
Capacitor | |
NW.js | |
Expo | |
Quasar | |
Tauri | |
NativeScript |
Technologies with less than 10% awareness not included. Each ratio is defined as follows:
- Retention: would use again / (would use again + would not use again)
- Interest: want to learn / (want to learn + not interested)
- Usage: (would use again + would not use again) / total
- Awareness: (total - never heard) / total
Link to sectionExpérience dans le Temps
Aperçu des opinions sur les technologies de l'enquête dans le temps.
L'utiliserai à nouveau | |
Ne l'utiliserai pas | |
Intéressé | |
Pas intéressé | |
Jamais entendu parler |
Technologies avec seulement un an de données ne sont pas incluses.
En cliquant sur le nom d'une technologie, vous obtiendrez des informations détaillées.
Link to sectionRépartition Positive/Négative
Ce graphique sépare les expériences positives (“Je voudrai l'apprendre”, ”Je l'utiliserai à nouveau”) vs
négatives (“Je ne suis pas intéressé”, “Je ne l'utiliserai plus”) de chaque côté de l'axe central.
L'épaisseur de la barre représente le nombre de répondants connaissant la technologie.
Link to sectionAutres outils
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We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year”
My 2022 Pick: Arisa Fukuzaki
Arisa is a hybrid between FrontEnd and Dev Rels, lover of React and its ecosystem, she is always thinking about giving back to the community and contributes by giving talks, workshops and articles on the subject.
We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year”
Alba Silvente
FrontEnd developer working as DevRel at Storyblok
Link to sectionmobile_desktop.mobile_desktop_happiness
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Link to sectionRessources Recommandées
React Native, v2
Leverage your JavaScript and React skills for mobile iOS and Android platforms using React Native.
Intermediate React Native
Go beyond the basics of React Native. You’ll learn how to persist data across app launches, various ways of handling images and SVG, adding app icons and splash screens, animations, and gestures.
Merci à nos partenaires de nous soutenir ! En savoir plus.