Eines per fer test sobre el teu codi.
Link to sectionRatios Over Time
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Retention, interest, usage, and awareness ratio over time.
Jest | |
Mocha | |
Storybook | |
Cypress | |
AVA | |
Jasmine | |
Puppeteer | |
Testing Library | |
Playwright | |
WebdriverIO | |
Vitest | |
Selenium | |
TestCafe |
Technologies with less than 10% awareness not included. Each ratio is defined as follows:
- Retention: would use again / (would use again + would not use again)
- Interest: want to learn / (want to learn + not interested)
- Usage: (would use again + would not use again) / total
- Awareness: (total - never heard) / total
Link to sectionExperiència al llarg del temps
Visió general de les opinions sobre les tecnologies enquestades al llarg del temps.
Ho tornaria a usar | |
No ho usaria | |
M'interessa | |
No m'interessa | |
No em sona |
No s'hi inclouen les tecnologies amb dades de fa només un any.
Pots fer clic a qualsevol nom de tecnologia per obtenir detalls addicionals i una visió més profunda de les seves dades relacionades.
Link to sectionDivisió positiva/negativa
Aquest gràfic divideix experiències positives ("vull aprendre'n", "ho tornaria a utilitzar") vs
negatives ("sense interès", "no ho tornaria a utilitzar") a banda i banda d'un eix central.
El gruix de la barra representa el nombre de persones que han respòs que coneixen una tecnologia.
Link to sectionAltres eines
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We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year”
My 2022 Pick: Diode
Diode is an interactive tool to build and simulate hardware projects in the browser. As a hardware tinkerer, this is really exciting and the interface built with Three.js is great!
We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year”
Charlie Gerard
Senior Developer Advocate at Stripe, Author and Creative Technologist
Link to sectiontesting.testing_happiness
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Link to sectionRecursos recomanats
JavaScript Testing Practices and Principles
Learn the principles and best practices for writing maintainable test applications to catch errors before your product reaches the end user!
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