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Herramientas de monorepos

Herramientas utilizadas para manejar monorepos.
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Retention, interest, usage, and awareness ratio over time.
Yarn Workspaces
npm Workspaces

Technologies with less than 10% awareness not included. Each ratio is defined as follows:

  • Retention: would use again / (would use again + would not use again)
  • Interest: want to learn / (want to learn + not interested)
  • Usage: (would use again + would not use again) / total
  • Awareness: (total - never heard) / total

Experiencia a lo largo del tiempo

Opiniones sobre la tecnologías encuestadas a lo largo del tiempo.
Lo volvería a usar
No lo usaría
No estoy interesado
Nunca lo he oído

No se incluyen las tecnologías con solo un año de datos.
Puedes hacer clic en el nombre de cualquier tecnología para obtener detalles adicionales y una mirada más profunda a sus datos relacionados.

División positiva/negativa

Este gráfico se divide en experiencias positivas ("quiero aprender", "volvería a usar") vs. negativas ("no me interesa", "no volvería a usar") en ambos lados de un eje central. El grosor de la barra representa el número de encuestados que conocen una tecnología.

Otras herramientas

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We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year”

My 2022 Pick: Astro

While Astro has been popularizing the "Islands" architecture for the past couple of years, 2022 saw it reach 1.0 and bring on-demand server rendering. It's never been easier to create great sites while shipping less JavaScript.
We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year”


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Recursos recomendados

JavaScript and TypeScript Monorepos
Mike North

JavaScript and TypeScript Monorepos

You'll get hands-on experience with best-in-class tools designed to keep the workflows for even complex projects simple!
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