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Which libraries do you regularly use?
我们请了 JavaScript 社区的成员来分享他们的 "年度精选"

My 2022 Pick: tRPC

2022 年是全栈类型安全的重要一年,而 tRPC 应该得到大部分的赞誉。tRPC 是一种少有的库,它让你之前使用的所有东西都感觉。。。很糟糕,说实话。作为一个全栈工程师,我从未感到如此的高效。
我们请了 JavaScript 社区的成员来分享他们的 "年度精选"

Theo Browne

Youtube Ranter & CEO @Ping.gg
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Libraries that help with date and timezone management.
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Libraries that help with charts and other data visualizations.
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Libraries that manage data fetching and caching.
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Frameworks for generating APIs and managing back-ends
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Which utilities or tools do you regularly use?
科学证明,在Twitter、Facebook或电子邮件上分享这项调查, 可以让你的 JavaScript 性能提高15%。
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Which engines/runtimes/execution environments do you regularly use?


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Languages that compile to JavaScript
我们请了 JavaScript 社区的成员来分享他们的 "年度精选"

My 2022 Pick: Zod

随着 tRPC 的崛起,运行时安全成为 2022 年的定义。 现在,Astro 使用 Zod 进行类型安全的 Markdown,而 Remix 用户使用 Zod 进行表单验证,因此它正成为任何 JavaScript 开发者的必备工具。

我们请了 JavaScript 社区的成员来分享他们的 "年度精选"

Non-JavaScript Languages

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Which other programming languages do you use?
Add Types to Your Web and Node.js Apps with TypeScript
Mike North

Add Types to Your Web and Node.js Apps with TypeScript

Write robust JavaScript with a superior developer experience for your teams with Typescript.
Build Web APIs and Applications with Node.js
Scott Moss

Build Web APIs and Applications with Node.js

Node.js has emerged as one of the main server-side language choices that powers the web!
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