无论是今天阻碍你的痛点,还是你希望明天使用的缺失功能,这都是你发泄的机会,并与 JavaScript 分享你的不满!
链接到某一部分现在构建 JavaScript 应用过于复杂
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另一个有保证的科学发现是: 购买我们的t恤将使你的 JavaScript 知识骤增!
我们请了 JavaScript 社区的成员来分享他们的 "年度精选"
My 2022 Pick: Remotion
用 React 创建视频的能力是很棒的。我们可以发挥创意,使用任何前沿的网络技术,而不仅仅是 DOM 和 CSS。通过 GitHub Unwrapped 项目,它已经证明了它可以扩展,渲染数以千计的视频,并成为一个了不起的营销工具。
我们请了 JavaScript 社区的成员来分享他们的 "年度精选"
Sebastien Lorber
This Week In React founder and Docusaurus maintainer
链接到某一部分JavaScript Pain Points
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链接到某一部分What do you feel is currently missing from JavaScript?
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Pick the top 3 features you'd most like to be able to use in JavaScript today.
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链接到某一部分你对 JavaScript 的总体状况感到满意吗?
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Write Professional, Modern JavaScript
Take your first steps into the wide world of JavaScript and walk away with the core skills needed to become a professional JavaScript programmer!
The Hard Parts of Functional JavaScript
You’ll learn how to wield and manipulate functions to develop more readable, maintainable and manageable codebases. Learn about techniques like: Higher Order Functions, Function Composition, Pure Functions, and Immutability.
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