How you use JavaScript
Link alla sezioneJavaScript/TypeScript Balance
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How do you divide your time between writing JavaScript and TypeScript code?
Link alla sezioneJavaScript Usage
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In what context do you primarily use JavaScript?
Link alla sezioneWhat do you use JavaScript for?
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Link alla sezioneIndustry Sector
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Which industry sector(s) do you work in?
Link alla sezioneApplication Patterns
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Which of the following architecture and rendering patterns have you used **in the last year**?
Link alla sezioneRisorse consigliate
[Free] The Last Algorithms Course You'll Need
You'll learn big o time complexity, fundamental data structures like arrays, lists, trees, graphs, and maps, and searching and sorting algorithms.
A Tour of JavaScript & React Patterns
You’ll get an overview of more traditional design patterns with JavaScript, such as the Singleton and Proxy patterns. Then see React patterns such as the Hooks and Higher Order Component patterns.
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