This year, 39,471 respondents took part in the survey. And in order to help highlight different voices and surface deeper insights, we made a special effort to provide new ways to break our data down.
Link to sectionआपका देश
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Where do you currently reside?
Link to sectionLanguage
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What language did respondents select to fill out the survey?
This data is collected automatically based on respondent's settings while taking the survey; Languages with fewer than 20 respondents not shown.
You'll find little hints like this one throughout the survey results that will point out extra features and details.
Link to sectionSurvey Completion
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Which proportion of the survey did respondents fill out?
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How old are you, in years?
Link to sectionवर्षों का अनुभव
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आप इस क्षेत्र में कितने समय से काम कर रहे हैं या पढ़ रहे हैं।
Link to sectionकंपनी का साइज
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आपकी कंपनी कितनी बड़ी है।
Some charts feature additional tabs that offer complementary breakdowns of the same data, or related data. Make sure to check them out!
Link to sectionHigher Education Degree
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Do you have a higher education degree?
Link to sectionवार्षिक वेतन
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अमरीकी डालर में।
Link to sectionSource
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How did respondents find out about the survey?
Respondent source is computed based on referrer data, URL tracking data, and self-reported answers.
Link to sectionलिंग
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Which of the following options describes you, if any? Please pick one.
While we know collecting and publishing diversity data can be a sensitive issue, we do think it's important to obtain this data to help measure and improve the survey's efforts in terms of inclusivity and representativeness.
Link to sectionजाति और जातीयता
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Which of the following options describe you, if any? Please check all that apply.
While we know collecting and publishing diversity data can be a sensitive issue, we do think it's important to obtain this data to help measure and improve the survey's efforts in terms of inclusivity and representativeness.
Link to sectionDisability Status
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Which of the following disabilities do you experience, if any? Please check all that apply. Note that this can include temporary disabilities or injuries.
Link to sectionRecommended Resources
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